Oracle ANSI SQL Implementation (in version 9i and higher):
1a. A Self Join query using the JOIN syntax with the join specified by ON
1b. This is a query that uses the NATURAL JOIN syntax. Here Oracle does the join between same named columns in the two tables. This syntax does not allow a user to join the two tables on a single column. The Oracle recommends using this type of join with caution or preferably avoiding the "Natural Join" syntax.
In the example below, if the user intends to join only on customer_id between the two tables, if city were to exist in both of them, then the join will also include city, which will result in different row counts.
1c. Same query as example 1a, using the INNER JOIN syntax
1d. A query using the INNER JOIN with USING syntax
Note: There is no alias for the tables and columns. The column names should be the identical in the two tables that are being joined
1e. A query using the LEFT OUTER JOIN syntax. In the example below customer_master is the driving table, on the left hand side (query gets all data from this table).
Below is the the standard Oracle sql syntax (similar to the query shown on Page2 example query 2)
1f. A query using the RIGHT OUTER JOIN syntax. In the example below customer_master is the driving table, on the right hand side (query gets all data from this table). Essentially the two tables are flipped w.r.t query shown in 1e.

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